Ground Level Innovations is based in Prince Edward Island, one of Canada’s major potato-growing regions. The company developed the EZ Down in cooperation with packers looking for a way to gently fill tote bags and pallet boxes with potatoes, onions, or other root vegetables while minimizing bruising.
Fast, Easy & Gentle Tote Bag and Box Filling Solutions.
During every harvest season you face the same question, how can we avoid damaging or bruising products during the packing phase – there has to be a better way. Well, what if we told you there is!
Ground Level Innovations is proud to have developed the EZ Down patented handling equipment. This piece of equipment gently handles high volumes of produce, is easy to operate, and the built-in buffer hoppers let you change the bags or crates without stopping your production line. It’s not only accurate, fast, and durable, but it can move 50,000lbs per hour and only takes up a small footprint in your warehouse. And if 50,000lbs per hour isn’t enough, check out our Big EZ which can move up to 100,000lbs per hour.

Consider it Handled.
Maximize your labour, time, and efforts using our patented EZ Line of produce handling equipment
Our EZ Down and Big EZ handling equipment uses our patented lowering design and provides the gentle handling our crops need in order to remain as healthy as the moment they were harvested. Our equipment is far less susceptible to lodging due to our carefully designed in-feed chute and sensor system, and our machines have a built-in buffer hopper for continuous operation while bags or crates are changed.
The EZ Down
The patented EZ Down is designed to gently lower potatoes, onions or other produce into a tote bag or pallet box without bruising or marking them.
The Big EZ
The Big EZ gently manoeuvres up to 100,000 lbs of product every hour without stopping for as long as you want.
Ground level innovations
PHONE: (902) 932-7212
EMAIL: [email protected]